Friday, February 4, 2011

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...

One thing that severely pisses me off is when parents send their sick ass kids to school. You know why? Because they make my kid sick, then my kid comes home and makes my little kids sick and they are all miserable. Just don't send your effing kid to school when they are sick. Instead, I have to hear her hacking and coughing and she's downstairs and annoying and I've given her Nyquil and it's not stopping and I feel bad because the most annoying sound in the world is someone coughing over and over and over again. I imagine that is what sound will be in Hell.

I must change my ways. I cannot deal with that in the afterlife.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


How insane! I had completely forgotten about this blog! It is time to make a goal to write in this at least once a week! I'll throw it in my to do list.

So many things have happened since last time I posted. We moved to Michigan! It's great and I feel like I am on a permanent vacation at times since the Husband is laid off but wedding clients keep booking and we are doing good with a steady income and no worries. Just have to picture ourselves getting caught up on bills and car payments and it will happen.

Thinking about going to Fla to visit my grandparents in February. Not sure yet, it's up in the air. Bug turned 3 in December and we had a Cars themed birthday party. He loved his cake and then DD turns 11 this month and Olls turns 1 next month! It is absolutely insane how quickly time flies.

I really should be in bed and so I bid you adieu.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

it's 2 am, do YOU know where your cupcakes are?

it's very early or late, depending on how you look at it. i'm finishing up cupcakes for my 10 year reunion tomorrow. (insanity) while I listen to A Fine Frenzy, who I am in a frenzy about. (yeah, i'm tired) I got my swimsuit and some clothes ordered today for the LA trip that Deedee and I are taking next Thursday. insanity again.

i'll update about the reunion...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I also purchased DeeDee and I's tickets to LA yesterday! Yaye! Cali bound in 2 weeks to see 2 of my favorite peeps! ♥ you guys!

Daddy's Birthday


Ollie got a bath (I say he's cleaner!), Bug got a haircut (Daddy says it makes him meaner), and DeeDee went shopping and to get Taco Bell with Daddy. We ate cake, had a lazy day. Cake was DELISH!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Thank you summer, for finally arriving. Please take your time, and lower the fares to LA, so DeeDee and Mommy can go visit Auntie Andrea and Uncle Levi. ♥

Friday, July 9, 2010

Kings Island


This was Dee Dee and Bug's first trip to Kings Island. We dropped the Ollister off at his gmas and off we went. It was a high of 96 with high humidity. Plus, we chose to go on July 5, everyone was also off and had the same idea, plus it was free military day. So we pretty much paid a lot of money to ride a whole lot of nothing. We'll be better prepared when we go again. Daddy and I said we'll go without the kiddos. Dee Dee didn't want to ride any rides that went upside down, so that eliminated quite a few right out of the gate. All in all, it was a fun day together. We don't get to do that often.


Today I baked a cake! It's the Daddy's birthday tomorrow and he loves chocolate and peanut butter. I saw some delish cupcakes on my facebook that were dark chocolate peanut butter, so I googled it and came up with this beautiful recipe! It's made and tomorrow we shall partake! I will let you know how it tastes!! I feel like I should have a party for the Daddy to show off my domestic goddess baking skills, but then I'd also have to put my domestic goddess cleaning skills to work, and ladies and gentlemen, I'm not all about that right now.

Recipe at smitten kitchen

Happy Birthday to my husband! <3>